Okay, so yesterday I did a tarot reading, and let me tell you, the Nine of Pentacles popped up, and it got me thinking about all sorts of things related to feelings. I mean, this card is all about that good life, right? Independence, enjoying the fruits of your labor, just feeling good in your own skin. I decided to dive deep and figure out what this card means for me, personally, in the love and relationship department. You know?
I started the whole thing by shuffling my deck. A pretty standard deck, nothing fancy. I closed my eyes, took some deep breaths, and really focused on my question: “What are my current feelings in my love life?” I cut the deck, and boom, there it was, the Nine of Pentacles staring right back at me.
First, I just looked at the card. It shows a woman, looking all classy, in this beautiful garden, with a bird on her hand. She’s surrounded by all these gold coins, pentacles I guess they are called. It just screams abundance and success. The vibe I got was, like, she’s totally content being on her own. She has worked hard and now she is enjoying what she has built. And she did it all by herself.
Then, I grabbed my notebook and started jotting down all the feelings that came to mind. Here’s what I got:
- Contentment: Yeah, that was a big one. Just feeling really happy and satisfied with where I am right now. Not needing anyone else to complete me.
- Independence: This one hit hard. I realized I’ve been really valuing my own space and freedom lately. It felt good to recognize that.
- Self-worth: I know it’s there. Seeing this card reminded me that I’ve accomplished a lot, and I deserve to feel good about myself. I’ve been putting in the work, you know, on myself, my career, my life. It’s paying off.
- Security: The card gave off this sense of stability. I wrote that I do feel secure, it’s nice that I don’t feel anxious about my future when it comes to relationship or love things.
After making my little list, I spent some time just reflecting on these feelings. I thought about my current relationship status, and how these feelings of independence and self-worth are playing out. It was a bit of an “aha” moment, realizing that maybe I’m not in a rush to jump into anything serious. Maybe I am happy where I am, enjoying my own company and focusing on my own growth.
So, what’s the takeaway? Well, for me, the Nine of Pentacles as feelings is a big reminder to appreciate myself and the life I’ve built. It is also a sign that I am doing great in relationships. It’s okay to be independent and to enjoy that independence. It doesn’t mean I’m closed off to love, but it does mean that I’m not going to settle for anything less than what I deserve. And I know what I have to offer is great. I’m feeling pretty good about it all, to be honest.
That’s all about my deep dive into the Nine of Pentacles yesterday. Pretty interesting, right? Maybe this will inspire you to check in with your own feelings using tarot. Give it a try if you’re curious!