Oh, honey, you wanna know about this Venus square Pluto synastry thing? Sounds fancy, but it’s just about how people get along, or don’t get along, I reckon. Like when your neighbor’s rooster keeps crowing at all hours, that’s a bad square, see?
This Venus square Pluto stuff, it’s like when two folks just rub each other the wrong way. One’s like sugar, all sweet and loving, that’s Venus, I suppose. The other, that’s Pluto, is like that old, grumpy mule my husband used to have. Stubborn and wants things their way all the time.
When Venus and Pluto are square in synastry, it means there is gonna be some intense feelings. Like when you accidentally step on a hornet’s nest. Not good, not good at all. It can make people get all worked up.
- Venus is like a pretty flower, all soft and delicate.
- Pluto is like a thunderstorm, powerful and can be kinda scary.
This Pluto fella, he’s a strong one. When he’s in the picture, he wants to be the boss. Wants to control everything, like my old rooster trying to rule the whole yard. And this Venus, she’s all about love and being nice. But when Pluto’s around, it can get messy. Like when you mix flour and water without knowing what you are doing and end up with a sticky dough that you can not use.
This Venus square Pluto synastry, it’s like a tug-of-war. One’s pulling one way, the other’s pulling another. They say it’s intense. Like when you’re trying to break a stubborn horse. Lots of drama, lots of strong feelings. One person might feel like they’re being smothered, like when you put too many blankets on the bed and can’t breathe, you know? Pluto wants to hold on tight, maybe too tight.
It’s like when you’re canning peaches, and you gotta make sure everything’s just right, or else it’ll all go bad. Pluto, he wants to keep everything under his thumb. He’s like that old mason jar lid that’s stuck on too tight, it can make the other person feel trapped.
Now, this Venus person, they just want everyone to be happy. Like when you bake a pie and want everyone to have a piece. But Pluto, he’s not always about sharing. He might want the whole pie to himself, you see? He wants to possess Venus, all of it. That can cause a whole heap of trouble, like a fox getting into the henhouse.
They say this kind of mix-up can make folks obsessed with each other. Like when you can’t stop thinking about that last piece of pie in the fridge. They might fight a lot, but they also can’t seem to stay away from each other. It’s a mess, I tell ya.
This Pluto square Venus synastry means there is a powerful, almost magnetic, attraction between two people. Like when the moon pulls the tides, you can’t see it, but you know it’s there.
It is kind of like when you plant a seed, and you don’t know if it’s gonna be a beautiful flower or a thorny weed. It can go either way. This kind of connection, it can change people. Make ’em face their fears, like when you gotta go into the dark cellar to get those canned goods, even if you are scared of spiders.
It can be hard, like trying to plow a field with a stubborn mule. But sometimes, hard things can make you stronger, you know? Like when you gotta work extra hard to get that stubborn stain out of your favorite shirt.
This whole Venus square Pluto synastry thing, it’s not all bad, I guess. It can make a relationship deep, like a well that never runs dry. But it’s also gonna be a lot of work, like tending to a big garden. You gotta weed out the bad stuff and make sure the good stuff has room to grow. It can make people jealous, like two roosters fighting over a hen.
They might get codependent, like an old married couple who can’t do anything without each other. That can be good sometimes, but it can also be bad if they start relying on each other too much, like leaning on a fence post that’s about to break.
It’s not always a smooth ride, this Venus square Pluto thing. It’s like a bumpy old dirt road, full of potholes and rocks. You gotta go slow and be careful, or you’ll end up in the ditch, and it is not a good place to be, especially at night.
Pluto is like that old, deep well on the farm. You gotta be careful around it, or you might fall in. It’s dark and mysterious down there. And Venus, she’s like the sunshine, bright and warm. But sometimes, too much sunshine can scorch the earth, you know?
- This kind of connection can be transformative.
- It’s like when a caterpillar turns into a butterfly.
- It’s not easy, but it can be beautiful in its own way.
- But it can also be like a storm that destroys everything.
So, this Venus square Pluto synastry, it’s a complicated thing. Like a big, old, tangled ball of yarn. It takes patience and a lot of effort to untangle it. But if you do, you might just find something special inside. But you gotta be careful, or you’ll just end up with a bigger mess than you started with.
It is not for the faint of heart, that’s for sure. It’s for folks who are strong and willing to face their demons, like when you gotta go out in the middle of the night to chase a raccoon out of the trash cans. It ain’t easy, but it’s gotta be done.
If you are in it, hope you got a strong heart and a good head on your shoulders. You are gonna need both, honey. It is gonna be a wild ride for sure.